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Estrogen: Too much or too little?

Dr. Rebecca Sand

And why this is contributing to your symptoms

Why does estrogen get all the attention?

Estrogen gets a bad rap. Whether it is too much or too little, estrogen can cause us problems. I see estrogen dominance blamed often for all sorts of issues. And that's not necessarily wrong!

Estrogen promotes growth! This includes good growth and bad. For example, estrogen is what grows the uterine lining for pregnancy, grows breast tissue, and thickens and lubricates the walls of the vagina. It also is implicated in hormone-related cancer growth and in the pathogenesis of gynecologic conditions like endometriosis.

Types of estrogen

E1 - Estrone

This is a weaker form of estrogen and is most abundant after menopause. It can be converted to other types of estrogen.

E2 - Estradiol

This form of estrogen is present in all bodies. It is highest in biologically female bodies during the reproductive years. Estriol levels, whether too high or too low, are related to problems with libido, mood, bone density, cycle irregularities, weight gain, heart health, and certain types of cancers.

E3 - Estriol

This is the estrogen that goes up during pregnancy. It is responsible for uterine growth and it peaks just before birth to help with delivery. This form cannot be converted back to estradiol.

Too High or Too Low?

Estrogen excess causes:
  • too much estrogen being produced

    • estrogen not properly leaving the body

    • low progesterone leading to a relative excess of estrogen

💡 Learn more about the recirculation of estrogen in

Balancing the excess:
  • lab testing to uncover the dominant form of estrogen

  • balancing the microbiome

  • supporting waste elimination and detoxification

  • herbs or supplements to regulate estrogen production and circulation

The Profile of Low Estrogen:

The classic picture of low estrogen is menopause. Although menopause is a normal part of being a human, symptoms of low estrogen can be helped! Other conditions like premature ovarian insufficiency can also exhibit symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

Boosting Estrogen and Supporting Symptoms:

Your doctor can run lab tests to identify low estrogen and discuss which routes of support could be most beneficial to you.

Naturopathic physicians are uniquely equipped to help with hormone imbalances by utilizing the best of natural plant-based medicines and pharmaceutical options when needed.

The information in this article is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice. Consult with your local healthcare professional before starting or stopping any medication or supplement.


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